- Setup "SAP Commerce" [End - End]
- Backoffice, hAC & Product Cockpit
- Access different Storefronts
- Improve Server Startup Time
- SAP Comm Versions & Exts
- When to use Spartacus
- Spartacus releases detail
- Accelerator Vs Spartacus
- Spartacus Technologies
- Spartacus Architecture
- Spartacus Extensibility options
- Setup Spartacus
- Placing order
- Varies OCC Service Calls
- OCC Services Swagger URL
- Spartacus Installation Possibilities
- App.component.html
- Package.json
- App.module.ts
- Spartacus Routing
- SEO Guidelines
- Enabling Context in the Storefront URL
- Add custom parameters in URL
- Get context from Backend
- Adding content Pages
- Adding content page without CMS
- Configure Alias for Content Pages
- Extend existing content page
- Customizing Routes
- Customizing Product Details Route
- Customizing Routes Normalizers
- Create Normalizer
- Make URLs more SEO friendly
- Common Understandings / Challenges
- Routing in Spartacus -- Router Links
- Get Random Products when we click Find
- Get Random Products from list
- Spartacus Layout & Styling
- Spartacus Outlets
- Spartacus Component Mapping
- Spartacus Service Injection
- Spartacus Performance improvements
- SAP Comm OCC Services Impl
- Spartacus Internationalization (i18n)
- Event System Spartacus
- Angular Update Schematics
- Infinite Scroll in Spartacus
- Search Indexing Support in Spartacus
- Create a Spartacus Storefront
- Security Best Practices in Spartacus
- Performance Optimizations in Spartacus
- Extending Built-In Models
- Lazy Loading in Spartacus
- Spartacus Extending Checkout
- Spartacus HTTP Error Handling
- How to use Backend CMS Data
- Hosting Spartacus JavaScript storefront
- Automatic Site Config Detect from URL
- Spartacus Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
- Upgradability & Versioning in Spartacus
- How to uses Backend Catalog
Q = What are the frameworks / libraries / technologies?
Languages = Typescript, Sass
Frameworks = Angular, RxJS, NgRx
Dependency management = Yarn, npm
Build =Angular CLI (webpack, ng-packagr)
Testing = Jasmine, Cypress, Karma
Code Quality = Prettier, TSLint
IDE = Visual Studio Code (or equivalent)
Source control / distribution = Github, n